The Benefits of Using Ambush Wheelchair-Accessible Hunting Blinds

We believe everyone should have the same access to hunting and the great outdoors. No one should be sitting home on epic hunting days! Therefore, we painstakingly designed our handicap and wheelchair-accessible hunting blinds to accommodate hunters of varying disabilities.

Whatever your mobility challenges are, Ambush has a solution that is inclusive to all. Premium quality materials, bombproof construction, and conscientious craftsmanship are what we put into every one of our hard-sided blinds. Our accessible hunting blinds for disabled hunters are no exception.

Read on to see how we accommodate deer hunters with mobility challenges.

Ambush Wheelchair-Accessible Hunting Blinds are Adaptive

Regardless of if you have lost limb function, mobility, or any other disability, adaptive hunting blinds make things equal for everyone. We’ve taken the Stalker blind floor plan and made some ADA-appropriate modifications to it.

First, we widened the door width to 41 inches. With a larger door opening of nearly 39 inches, wheelchairs of most sizes can enter the blind without an issue. The same goes for hunters that use walkers. We also designed a flat door threshold so that you can wheel right into the blind. No getting caught up or having to give it extra “oomph” to get over a problematic spot.

The inside of the blind is oversized and super spacious to accommodate disabled hunters and company. Ambush’s wheelchair-accessible hunting blind’s unique window configuration provides multiple shot opportunities with either rifle, shotgun, crossbow, or bow.

Ambush Accessible Blinds are Whisper-Quiet

Stealth is obviously an important factor when hunting that big buck, turkey, and most other game. Therefore, our floor design is a 1 1/2″ thick welded aluminum structure. In addition, it is laminated with additional materials, rubberized, and has zero mechanical fasteners. This ensures that there will be no noise while moving around the blind. All said, this gives you a 2 1/4-inch thick single-piece floor.

Our ADA blinds feature walls with welded aluminum studs, framed in windows, and a fiberglass exterior with EPS Styrofoam insulation, all laminated to form a single-piece wall.

Ambush’s unique, five-layer Durabond Panel System™ provides a sound barrier that is unequaled in the hunting blind industry. Moreover, the same construction that is instrumental in maintaining extreme sound dampening allows for warmer interiors and superior scent control. All your bases are covered!

Roomy and Comfortable

Ambush ADA hunting blinds are very spacious, which keeps hunters comfortable. There’s plenty of room for disabled hunters with walkers or wheelchairs, multiple companions, and hunting equipment.

The previously mentioned five-layer construction makes human scent in the surrounding area non-existent and also offers unparalleled warmth to keep you hunting all day long in poor weather. An additional ventless heater can be added to the blind for those coldest days of the season. A port cut into the blind allows you to keep the propane tank outside, with the heater and the warmth inside.

Make it even more posh and comfy by adding coffee cup holders, Hunting Blind Light Kit, or our 20 watt Hunting Blind Solar Charger Kit.

If you happen to have or are considering the Action Trackchair Model #’s ST16, ST18, ST20, or ST22—you are covered! Any one of these Trackchair models will work with the Ambush wheelchair-accessible hunting blind.

Keep it on the Ground or Elevate It

Our wheelchair-accessible blinds can either be elevated or kept at ground level as is. To elevate, use 4x4s that slide right into the leg brackets for a little added extra lift. Want to go higher? Build your own elevated platform or elevate it with the use of an Ambush elevation kit.

Elevating your blind will require a customized ramp. They can either be built, or you can purchase a prefabricated one made of aluminum.

Need to move it to a different location? Our wheelchair-accessible hunting blinds can be fitted with skids so they can be towed with an ATV or UTV. This is the most straightforward way of moving your blind.

Handicap Accessible Hunting Blind

Disabled Hunter Programs in Your State

Here in Minnesota, we have various disabled hunter programs. Most states have similar programs. Wheelchair accessible hunting blinds and special permits that allow hunters with mobility issues to hunt from a standing vehicle are just a few examples.

These permits allow for greater flexibility for disabled hunters but have certain conditions. For instance, the hunting from a standing vehicle permit in Minnesota does not allow the take of antlerless deer in areas where no antlerless permits are authorized. You must also follow all laws and rules, including but not limited to:

  • The permit is valid for any type of motor vehicle (car, truck, ATV, snowmobile).
  • The vehicle must be stationary.
  • If you are hunting big game, your vehicle cannot be within the road right-of-way
  • You may not transport a loaded firearm in locations not allowed by law.
  • The permit does not allow trespassing.

If you’re interested in applying for this particular permit, Minnesota DNR would also like you to know:

  1. The permit is valid for five years from the date of application. This permit may be revoked, amended, suspended, or modified at any time for cause, including but not limited to: Change in permit laws or rules; change in disability eligibility; or violation of hunting, trespass, or firearms transportation laws.
  2. Both this permit and a valid license must be in possession while hunting from the motor vehicle.
  3. The permit application will be considered for approval only when it has been fully completed, signed by the applicant, and signed by a licensed physician, certified physician’s assistant, certified nurse practitioner acting under the direction of a licensed physician, or licensed chiropractor. The permit is NOT valid until it has been approved by the DNR Enforcement Division office closest to applicant’s home, and receipt of a permit card in the mail.
  4. A person who knowingly makes a false application or assists another in making a false application for the permit is guilty of a misdemeanor. A physician, certified physician’s assistant, certified nurse practitioner acting under the direction of a licensed physician, or chiropractor who fraudulently certifies to the commissioner that a person is permanently disabled as specified in the application is guilty of a misdemeanor.
  5. Complete and sign the permit application form and send it to the indicated DNR Enforcement office location (please check one if one is not already checked for you). You should make and keep a duplicate copy of the application for your records.

If you’re a disabled hunter looking for the ultimate hunting experience, consider Ambush wheelchair-accessible hunting blinds. We’ve done all the groundwork in designing our ADA blinds, so you don’t have to. All you have to do is pick the perfect area. Of course, that is a job in itself!

For more information on our wheelchair-accessible hunting blinds, feel free to reach out to us, and we can discuss your hunting blind needs.

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