What to Do When Hunting Season Closes

Deep cleaning your guns, packing up the clothes, getting your gear stored in tubs and locking up the hunting blind for the last time.  All things that indicate the end of hunting season.  When hunting season closes, you may ask yourself, “Well, what now?” Just because hunting season has closed, it doesn’t mean you have nothing to do. There are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself busy and prepare for next season. Don’t wait around for the next hunting season to start. Instead, stay out in the wild and improve your hunting skills by doing the following.

Scout for Next Season

The first thing you should do when hunting season closes is scouting. Either look for new locations or find new spots inside the ground you already hunt. Also, you can set up trail cameras to monitor the area before moving your blind or stand. If you believe you are in the best spot, try to improve the land. You can cut shooting lanes, plant food plots, or add bedding cover.

Take Down Stands and Blinds

Next, you can remove any hunting blinds or stands that are not designed to be left up all year. If you have a hard-sided hunting blind that is designed to be permanent, you will save a lot of time and energy. In fact, Ambush blinds are designed to be left up year-round! Plus, you will not have to put it back up in the fall. Check out other advantages of hard-sided hunting blinds.

Set Goals for Next Season

Every hunter should have goals, Set your goals for the coming season. Make sure to make them as specific as possible. Instead of saying you want to shoot a big buck, choose what size. Set aside vacation time to achieve your “time in the blind” goals. Or, if you want to improve your shooting, set a shot placement goal and practice, practice, practice. There is plenty of time in the off-season to create a plan to achieve your goals.


Finally, when hunting season closes, continue to practice. There is only one way to improve and that is by practicing. Get out and shoot your gun or bow. Be sure to create realistic shooting scenarios when practicing.

There is plenty to do.  Just plan your work and work your plan.  Before you know it, you are unloading the tube and getting ready for opener.

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