5 Tips for a Successful Late Season Hunt

If you can bear the winter weather and freezing temperatures in your hunting blind, you stand a chance of a successful late season hunt. There are a few things that you can do to better your chances of a late season hunt and here are our top 5 tips.

Tip #1: Learn Late Season Behavior

Our first tip for a successful late season hunt is to spend time learning the behavior patterns of deer in the late season. Check out this blog on whitetail deer behaviors throughout the year to learn about late season behavior.

Tip #2: Find the Food Source

During the cold months, when the late season falls, deer are in survival mode. They are also worn down after months of chasing, breeding, and running from hunters. Deer use this time of year to refuel, which means they are consuming lots of food. Hunt over food sources for a better chance of success.

Tip #3: Monitor the Barometer

Our next tip is to closely monitor the barometer. Wait for heavy snowfall or storms to push in to hunt. Deer will be out and about looking for food or shelter before the storm.

Tip #4: Strategize your Shelters

Position your hunting blind or tree stand in an area deer will be during the late season. If you do not have trees over food sources that will conceal your movement, consider a hard-sided blind. Also, the insulation will keep you warm during late season hunts.

Tip #5: Find the Does

Our final tip for late season hunting is to find the does. If you are hunting where does forage, it is more likely a big trophy buck will come by. All you need is one hot doe to bring the bucks into shooting range.

Follow these tips to help ensure your late season deer hunt.  Also,  make sure you check out what you should pack when preparing for a late season hunt.   If you are interested in a hard-sided and insulated blind for late season hunting, Find an Ambush Hunting Blind dealer near you! Once the season is over, read about what to do when the hunting season closes!

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