
Dale Maciver I love hunting with Ambush blinds. With sound deadening technology and plenty of room for your grandkids, they can make noise and not scare deer away. This is a great investment, and your grandkids will be able to hunt in the same Ambush blind years down the road!! Daniel Dubel Wanted to take […]

Wildlife Conservation Through Hunting: A Sustainable Approach

Hunting has always been a part of human culture, and it continues to play an important role in many communities today. Across the U.S., and the Midwest in particular, hunting is not just a popular pastime but a lifestyle and a vital part of the economy. In fact, Alex Robinson, Editor-In-Chief at Outdoor Life refers […]

Types of Arrows and Broadheads for Hunting

Hunting with a bow and arrow requires a combination of skill, precision, and the right equipment. A critical component that will decide whether or not you punch your tag is selecting the right arrow and broadhead for your bow setup. There are a dizzying array of both arrows and broadheads on the market.   That’s […]

Best Types of Bows for Hunting

Bowhunting is an age-old practice that requires skill, patience, and the right equipment. A good hunting bow can mean the difference between a successful hunt and a missed opportunity. But what’s the best type of bow for hunting? I won’t get into brands; this will probably open a 5-gallon pail of worms. Instead, I am [...]

10 Deer Hunting Myths Debunked!

Ah, the dearly beloved hunting myth. There’s nothing like the spin of an old yarn to really help impressionable, new hunters getting into deer hunting along while learning the ways of the whitetail. Here are our top 10 favorite deer hunting myths that have surely caused many a hunter to miss opportunities to fill the […]

Getting into Deer Hunting

Considering getting into deer hunting? Deer hunting isn’t just a sport, it’s a way of life. If you’ve decided to make a commitment to putting meat on the table for yourself and your family, you’ve taken the first step towards self-sufficiency. You have also stepped into the addictive pursuit of big game. We welcome you! […]

Ways to Plan Ahead for Planting Your Food Plot

Planting a food plot is an incredibly effective way of bringing deer in and holding them on your property long enough to hunt them. If you do it right, you can grow a herd that frequents your property and doesn’t just show up for goodies when spring green-up starts. Take the time to consider and […]

Solving the Offseason Itch- A Guide to Shed Hunting

What is shed hunting, and what is its’ purpose? Male deer lose their antlers every year in the later winter months, between January through March. This includes whitetail deer, mule deer, elk, moose, and many other species of the Cervidae family.  After breeding season, bucks’ testosterone levels change causing their old antlers to fall off, […]

6 Old-School Deer Hunting Tips

Every hunter has a plan for the next deer season. They know where they will put their blind, what deer they are after, maybe even the age and size of the deer they have been tracking. Most hunters even pick out a name.  These skills and traditions go way back.  Do you remember the beginner […]

Hunting Blind Care: Outside of Hunting Season

As the hunting season has come to a close, you are getting ready to leave your hunting blind until next fall. Just like any other hunting equipment, you need to care for your hunting blind. To take care of your hunting blind and prep it for off-season storage, there are a few things you should […]