Safety While Deer Hunting

Treestands and ground blinds are both very effective methods of taking deer. While both have pros and cons in terms of functionality and hunter safety while deer hunting, it’s hard to top an enclosed and hard-sided hunting blind as there are no risks of falling once you are inside. Not to mention, in a blind, it is easier to retrieve your release aid or other vital equipment that may get dropped. This isn’t necessarily a safety issue, but it can be a big annoyance

Further, there are not as many potential firearm safety issues in a blind. You simply get in, load your rifle, and wait. Treestand hunting can present a number of gun safety problems with raising and lowering your weapon. For instance, forgetting to unload your rifle before pulling your gun up with the haul rope.

You’d hope that hauling a loaded firearm into your treestand wouldn’t even be an issue. After all, we learn all these safety tips and more in Hunter Education. But sometimes things get forgotten, or we get careless while out hunting.

However, treestands have the advantage when it comes to the actual act of hunting. Getting 15 – 20 feet up in a tree gets you out of a deer’s normal line of sight as well as putting your scent above their noses.

What if you could have the elevated advantage of treestands but the safety of a blind combined in one hunting system? What if that hunting system were scent-proof, weather-proof, and essentially made you invisible to the game you’re hunting?

Weather Safety

Hunting in the cold and inclement weather doesn’t come without its share of risks. Especially while sitting all day. Rain and snow along with cold or freezing temps can lead to hypothermia.

If you get wet enough, through either sweating or the weather, your core can start to lose heat. While still-hunting or running-and-gunning, you’re at least staying relatively warm by walking. Hunting from a tree stand means you’re fully exposed to the elements and not moving at all. It’s very easy for the cold to begin creeping in even when you’re layered up. Once that happens, your body can begin having a hard time keeping heat in. In effect, you’re creating a thermal deficit because you’re losing heat faster than your body can create it.

That’s when things start going downhill, and a person can start experiencing symptoms like lethargy, difficulty speaking, confusion, and shivering. Eventually, it can lead to death.


A regular ol’ ground blind with a Heater Buddy does fairly well. If you’re dressed for the occasion and have enough bottles of propane, you can stay pretty comfortable. But as temps drop, the ability of a portable heater to keep up gets more challenging. Your heater will consume more fuel, which potentially means having to run back to the store for more propane cylinders. That equates to less time in the field!

Hard-Sided Hunting Blinds

Ambush Blinds will keep you dry on wet, rainy days and protected from the harsh outdoor elements such as wind, snow, and rain. Fully insulated with a five-layer Durabond Panel System, use it anywhere for any hunting season you wish. With a family hunting blind built to suit the needs of everyone in your crew, you will be able to relax in comfort and enjoy the nature surrounding you.

Staying out in the woods longer means a better chance of putting that trophy buck on the ground!

Severe weather illness isn’t the only consideration when it comes to deer hunting safety. The act of climbing up into a treestand in poor weather is a hunting accident waiting to happen.

Ambush has your back there too. With a heavy-duty elevation kit, you can raise your blind up to a height of 5 or 10 feet. The step system is much safer than a standard treestand ladder system. Rather than climbing vertically, it’s a set of easy-to-walk-up steps. So, you can climb up into your Ambush blind in any weather condition with ease. No safety harness or rigging is required.

Hunting Safety

There are so many things that can go wrong in the field. Despite our best safety precautions, hunting accidents sometimes happen. Injuries from knives, firearms, archery equipment, trips, slips, and falls out of tree stands are top hunter safety issues.

Deer hunters setting up treestands are always at risk of falls while setting up and during the hunt. We hunters can mitigate potential falls by using the necessary lineman’s belts, harnesses, and safety ropes while setting up treestands and ascending ladders.

But we can’t control the wild card – the equipment itself. With materials and mechanics, there’s always the chance of equipment failure.

As part of treestand safety, you should always make sure your stand is secured to the tree. You also need to be securely anchored to the tree with a safety harness. But every now and then, a ladder strap or treestand receiver will break, causing a fall. An injury could be life-changing depending on the situation.

Even if you’re tethered by your harness, a fall could result in hitting screw-in steps or a broken branch. More than one hunter has suffered a serious injury by hitting one or the other.

Elevation Kits for Hunting Blinds

With an elevated hunting blind, hunting safety is built in. You don’t have to worry about the setup process of a treestand, which can be stressful and exhausting for hunters as we get older.

Ambush hunting blinds feature a complete fiberglass exterior and EPS Styrofoam insulation for maximum sound control. With darkened interior, tinted port windows and full concealment, your quarry will never know you’re there!

Ranging from 5’x5′ to 6’x6′ and with a height of 7′ tall, Ambush blinds are spacious, warm, and quiet! Our blinds can also be customized with optional accessories like solar charging kits, bow hooks, or ventless heaters.

Ambush blinds can even be made handicapped accessible! Not only can we customize the doorway to make it bigger for wheelchairs and walkers, but we add a “flat door threshold” to make it easier for wheelchairs to roll right over.

To get off the ground, add an elevated platform with a ramp, and you’re set.

We believe in inclusivity. Everyone deserves the right to hunt in comfort and have the same access to hunting regardless of what physical limitations they may have. Our accessible hunting blinds ensure everyone enjoys a great deer hunting trip no matter their mobility status.

Another great feature we’ve added for 2022 is the Stalker Hunting Blind Ski Kit. Easily tow your Stalker Hunting Blind where you need it with this skid kit.

Whether you use it from the ground or elevated up to the 10-foot maximum, Ambush premium hunting blinds are next-level concealment. Using our blinds means keeping the area scent-free, warm, and safe from the elements. Make your moments that matter with Ambush Hunting Blinds!

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