How To: Skin a Deer for a Shoulder Mount

Congratulations on a successful hunt from your hunting blind!  You just took a monster 12-pointer and you decided in advance that, if you got a trophy,  you were going to get a shoulder mount.   If this is the scenario that plays out, you want make sure you follow these instructions when skinning your deer. If […]

Ways to Mount a Deer

After having a successful season in your hunting blind, you took the trophy you were following for 2 years.  The question then becomes, what kind of mount do I want. Some mounting options are very simple and others can grow quite complex. Most hunters choose to take their trophies to the taxidermist, but others will […]

All the Ways to Process Game

Some hunters prefer to process the game they hunted themselves. There are multiple ways to process game and below are a few recommendations to follow. Before processing your game, learn how to gut it. If you are not interested in processing your game at home, it can be taken to the local butcher where they […]

How to Gut a Deer

You’ve had a successful hunt, congrats! But, after taking the perfect shot out of your Ambush Hunting Blind, you may be thinking, “now what?”. Well, it’s time to track your trophy and get ready to field dress it! You want to make sure you gut your deer right so you can keep as much meat […]

A Guide to Introducing your Child to Hunting

Hunting is a memorable activity, but it is even better when you do it as a family. Likely, you were taught how to hunt by a family member! When introducing a child to hunting, it’s hard to know where to begin. Check out our recommendations in this guide, and your family will be out hunting […]

A Guide to Turkey Hunting

Are you getting into the sport of turkey hunting or just looking to learn more? You’ve come to the right place! Below is our comprehensive guide to turkey hunting! About Turkeys The Ocellated turkey of Central America and the North American wild turkey, are the two turkey species that are native to North America. The […]

How to Make a Homemade Deer Salt Lick

Keeping deer around and helping them grow is a very important part of a successful hunt. A homemade deer salt lick is a quick and easy way to support your herd. If you are wanting to put multiple salt licks on your property, it is cheaper to make them yourself. When making a deer salt […]

The Antler Scoring System Explained

If you have ever taken a buck with a monster set of antlers, you may have wondered how big its antlers are and how they score the rack. Officials use an antler scoring system to score and compare a bucks’ antlers. There are multiple respected antler scoring systems used in the field, including Pope and Young, Safari […]

The Best Time to Hunt During Deer Season

Being in the blind at the right time is the most critical part of a successful deer season. There are times during the season and even during the day that deer are more active. The next time you are considering calling in sick or burning a vacation day to head to your hunting blind, follow our […]

The Deer Tagging Process Explained

You arrived early, before the sun came up, and set up in one of your deer hunting blinds.  You have been seeing a nice buck in this area, and you are hoping to get a good shot at him this morning.  Not long after daylight, you hear the faint sound of leaves slightly crackling.  Your […]