How to Make Deer Jerky

At Ambush Hunting Blinds, we love to make deer jerky.  It is a delicious snack that is easy to make, even though it may seem challenging.  You can find a lot of recipes online that call for a number of ingredients.  Everyone eventually modifies a recipe to suite their tastes.  A little more sweet here.  […]

The Best Hunting Blind for Handicap Hunting

Everyone deserves to have access and the resources to do what they love, including hunting. Whether you, a family member or a friend has been in an accident or was born with a disability, they still deserve to spend time in the woods. Sometimes equipment built for able-bodied hunters does not work for those with […]

Scent Control Tips for Hunting

Any hunter’s main goal is to get as close as possible to the animal they are hunting. One of the things that will kill your chances of bagging that big buck is your scent being detected by the animal. Did you know that whitetail deer have a better sense of smell than a dog? It […]

How to Assemble a 10ft Hunting Blind Elevation Kit

Learn how to assemble a 10ft hunting blind elevation kit from Ambush Hunting Blinds. We recommend assembling with at least 3 people. Are you curious why you should use a elevation kit? Check out how you can elevate your hunting success with an elevation kit for your hunting blind! You will need the following tools […]

5 Tips for a Successful Late Season Hunt

If you can bear the winter weather and freezing temperatures in your hunting blind, you stand a chance of a successful late season hunt. There are a few things that you can do to better your chances of a late season hunt and here are our top 5 tips. Tip #1: Learn Late Season Behavior […]

How To: Skin a Deer for a Shoulder Mount

Congratulations on a successful hunt from your hunting blind!  You just took a monster 12-pointer and you decided in advance that, if you got a trophy,  you were going to get a shoulder mount.   If this is the scenario that plays out, you want make sure you follow these instructions when skinning your deer. If […]

Packing for a Late Season Hunt

That time of hunting season is almost here! We know as the days are getting shorter and colder, late-season hunting is approaching. Should you pack any differently for a late-season hunt?  Depending on where you live.  The answer is probably, YES. To begin, bring your normal hunting pack when going on a late-season hunt. You will […]

Ways to Mount a Deer

After having a successful season in your hunting blind, you took the trophy you were following for 2 years.  The question then becomes, what kind of mount do I want. Some mounting options are very simple and others can grow quite complex. Most hunters choose to take their trophies to the taxidermist, but others will […]

How to Keep Warm While Hunting During Late Season

As the hunting season progresses, the temperatures begin to drop. Filling a tag takes dedication because it can be hard to keep warm while hunting during late season. While you sit and watch for your target buck, it is extremely easy to lose body heat. You know as well as everyone else, nothing is worse […]

All the Ways to Process Game

Some hunters prefer to process the game they hunted themselves. There are multiple ways to process game and below are a few recommendations to follow. Before processing your game, learn how to gut it. If you are not interested in processing your game at home, it can be taken to the local butcher where they […]